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5.1.4 Default and Generated Plans

For those FFT routines that can be initialized prior to computing the FFTs, the initialization can be performed in one of two ways. In either case, initialization involves the storing of the factorization of N, and the twiddle factors associated with this factorization, in the communication array COMM.

The simpler way to initialize is by setting the argument MODE to zero. This means that a default plan, for the given input dimensions, is used to calculate the FFT. This has the advantage that the initialization phase is very quick and is generally a small fraction of the time required to perform the FFT computation. However, for some problem dimensions the default plan may not be optimal, especially where there is a mixture of prime factors.

Under some circumstances, optimality of performance of an FFT computation may be crucial. For example, where a very large number of FFTs are to be performed on problems of a fixed size (e.g. N remains the same), then it is best to initialize by setting the argument MODE to 100. This will time a number of plans (this number can be quite large when N has a significant number of prime factors) and initialize using the plan with the best time. Using this form of initialization can, potentially, lead to significant improvements in the performance of the FFT computation for the given dimensions.

Where problem dimensions will not change over a number of runs of a program, the communication array could, for example, be written out to a file during an initialization run, and then read in from the same file on subsequent computation runs. This would be effective for problem dimensions that have a large number of possible plans (factor orderings and groupings) and therefore take a significant amount of time to find the optimal plan.

Please consult the individual FFT routine documents to determine whether plan generation is enabled.