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4.3 LAPACK block sizes, ILAENV and ILAENVSET

As described in Section 6.2 of the LAPACK User's Guide, block sizes and other parameters used by various LAPACK routines are returned by the LAPACK inquiry function ILAENV. In ACML, values returned by ILAENV have been chosen to achieve very good performance on a wide variety of hardware and problem sizes.

In general it is unlikely that you will want or need to be concerned with these parameters. However, in some cases it may be that a default value returned by ILAENV is not optimal for your particular hardware and problem size. Following the advice in the LAPACK User's Guide may enable you to choose a better value in some circumstances.

For convenience, ACML includes a subroutine which allows you to override default values returned by ILAENV if you have superior knowledge. The routine is named ILAENVSET and has the following specification.


On input: ISPEC specifies the parameter to be set (see Section 6.2 of the LAPACK User's Guide for details).

— Input: CHARACTER* (*) NAME

On input: NAME specifies the name of the LAPACK subroutine for which the parameter is to be set.

— Input: CHARACTER* (*) OPTS

On input: OPTS is a character string of options to the subroutine.

— Input: INTEGER N1, N2, N3, N4

On input: N1, N2, N3 and N4 are problem dimensions. A value of -1 means that the dimension is unused or irrelevant.


On input: NVALUE is the value to be set for the parameter specified by ISPEC. This value will be retrieved by any future call of ILAENV with similar arguments, including the call of ILAENV coming directly from the routine specified by argument NAME. In most cases, but not all, the value set will apply irrespective of the values of arguments OPTS, N1, N2, N3 and N4.


On output: INFO is an error indicator. On successful exit, INFO contains 0. If INFO = -i on exit, the i-th argument had an illegal value.

All arguments of ILAENVSET apart from the last two, NVALUE and INFO, are identical to the arguments of ILAENV. ILAENVSET should be called before you call the LAPACK routine in question.

It should be noted that not all LAPACK routines make use of the ILAENV mechanism (because not all routines use blocked algorithms or require other tuning parameters). Calls of ILAENVSET with argument NAME set to the name of such a routine will fail with INFO=0. In addition, the ACML versions of some important routines that do use blocked algorithms, such as the QR factorization routine DGEQRF, bypass ILAENV because they make use of a different tuning system which is independent of standard LAPACK. For all such routines, ILAENVSET can still be called with no error exit, but calls will have no effect on performance of the routine.

Below we give examples of how to call ILAENVSET in both FORTRAN and C.

Example (FORTRAN code):

           INTEGER ILO, IHI, INFO, N, NS
           JOB = 'E'
           COMPZ = 'I'
           N = 512
           ILO = 1
           IHI = 512
     C     Check the default shift parameter (ISPEC=4) used by DHSEQR
           NS = ILAENV(4, 'DHSEQR', JOB//COMPZ, N, ILO, IHI, -1)
           WRITE (*,*) 'Default NS = ', NS
     C     Set a new value 5 for the shift parameter
           CALL ILAENVSET(4, 'DHSEQR', JOB//COMPZ, N, ILO, IHI, -1, 5, INFO)
     C     Then check the shift parameter again
           NS = ILAENV(4, 'DHSEQR', JOB//COMPZ, N, ILO, IHI, -1)
           WRITE (*,*) 'Revised NS = ', NS

Example (C code):

           #include <acml.h>
           #include <stdio.h>
           int main(void)
             int n=512, ilo=1, ihi=512, ns, info;
             char compz = 'I', job = 'E', opts[3];
             opts[0] = job;
             opts[1] = compz;
             opts[2] = '\0';
           /* Check the default shift parameter (ISPEC=4) used by DHSEQR */
             ns = ilaenv(4, "DHSEQR", opts, n, ilo, ihi, -1);
             printf("Default ns = %d\n", ns);
           /* Set a new value 5 for the shift parameter */
             ilaenvset(4, "DHSEQR", opts, n, ilo, ihi, -1, 5, &info);
           /* Then check the shift parameter again */
             ns = ilaenv(4, "DHSEQR", opts, n, ilo, ihi, -1);
             printf("Revised ns = %d\n", ns);
             return 0;