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2.9 Example programs calling ACML

The /examples subdirectory of the top ACML installation directory (for example, possible default locations are /opt/acml3.6.1/gnu64/examples under Linux, or, under windows, c:\Program Files\AMD\acml3.6.1\gnu32\examples), contains example programs showing how to call the ACML, along with a GNUmakefile to build and run them. Examples of calling both FORTRAN and C interfaces are included. They may be used as an ACML installation test.

Depending on where your copy of the ACML is installed, and which compiler and flags you wish to use, it may be necessary to modify some variables in the GNUmakefile before using it.

The 32-bit Windows versions of ACML assume that you have the Cygwin UNIX-like tools installed, and can use the make command that comes with them to build the examples.

For the 64-bit Windows version of ACML, it is not necessary to have the Cygwin tools. The examples directory contains a bat script, acmlexample.bat, which can be used to run one of the example programs. Another bat script, acmlallexamples.bat, builds and runs all the examples in the directory. Alternatively, if you do have the Cygwin tools installed, you can use the GNUmakefile to build the examples.

If you need more example programs showing how to call LAPACK routines from Fortran, we refer you to this web page:

Here you will find examples for all double precision LAPACK driver routines, and all of these should work when linked with ACML. Note that as well as the example programs themselves, it is necessary to download and compile a small amount of utility code used by the programs. See the web page for detailed instructions.